Welcome back to Ready For Better, I'm glad to have you here!
The air is cooler. Daytime is shrinking. A change is happening. The leaves are showing a slight breeze from the North today. Their hues hint at what is coming. Nature is aware of the future, and is preparing now.
How does our personal financial life relate to this time of the year? Can we see and admire the ways of our environment? Let's walk through the Eastern Kansas landscape just a bit...

Saving money for our future is something that most of us are aware we should be doing. A farmer needs to feed his cattle when there is no green grass in February... his Hay-Savings Account, The Big Round Bale, will pay off on a cold and snowy day.

Some trees sensed the trend early, and cut away all their leaves. They know how to be patient. Full of all the energy they gained since spring, there's plenty in reserve to wait until it's return.
When we've stored our money, the way they store their energy, we are able to withstand a harsh winter's blast like an emergency car repair, unforeseen medical event or even the loss of a job.

The life of these leaves is nearing it's end. They were twitterpated buds in the spring. They basked in the summer's sun. They nourished the plant who gave them life and enjoyed the community of their friends and family around them. Now, when it's almost over, they show new color in their final hurrah!
When we're in the fall season of our lives, let's plan to color-up the world around us with a financially vibrant retirement! It is possible for us to live out our dreams and enjoy those years while giving generously as well. Planning starts today. Our current lifestyle has great impacts on the lifestyle we'll have in the future. Is our vision as forward-thinking as these plants??

Even in these short days, we see the blooms and bursts of colorful flowers. Fall is not all about the end. While we're saving, while we're planning for the upcoming, let's also remember to smile and be thrilled with our own true colors. Budgeting and controlling our money has nothing to do with keeping us dull and brown and blah. We can and should be enjoying the richness and fullness of life along the way!

When we back up and take in the big picture view, we see the bounty of life and appreciate it. Hopefully we'll appreciate our own bounty, our own potential to create a future for ourselves that is colorful and wisely planned for.
Truly enjoying today to the fullest is easiest when we have little fear of tomorrow. Saving for emergencies, big purchases and our future is a great way to do that. Having a spending plan for now that includes savings, allows us to have a vividly living and giving plan later.
When You're Ready for a Better Later, Call Me Now. Your future-self will thank you!

Aaron Nichols
True North Financial Fitness Coaching
FREE 30 Minute Consultation - No obligation - Completely Confidential
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