You're Weird! At least Different. Okay, maybe Unique?
I know and appreciate this about You...
I have 758 friends on my facebook page and 158 people "like" my business True North Financial Fitness Coaching. That is quite a few right?
The stats are showing me that I have around 25 regular readers of this blog. A rather small amount compared to those who may have access to it.
So, statistically, if you are reading this right now, you're one of those 25.
THANK YOU! For being in this small minority of people who take time every week to tune in and read whatever crazy ideas my Thursday mind has conjured up!
I am Very interested in Your Story, what sets You apart, and which topics that I've written have spoken to you the most.
I want to continue to let these words flow from my own unique mind. I also now want to know what unseen force has magnetized Your weird brain to mine!
Would you please do me the honor of engaging via:
or text: 785-218-6134
or facebook:
I would LOVE to hear from you! How about a couple questions to ponder or answer if you feel so moved.
1.Who Are you.
2.What makes you want to learn more about financial peace?
3. Do you envision yourself in a wealthy future?
4. Does a blog about Dogs, Motorcycles, Geese and Gravestones have Anything to do with Money?? (ha!)
Thanks so much for your feedback, as this unique... Actually SPECIAL community grows, I want to send appreciation to You for being part of it.
Gravestones??? Yup.
Yesterday, I had a few extra minutes to spend before seeing a client in Ottawa.
I drove out 15th street to Highland Cemetary. As usual, I rolled up quietly by the grave markers for My Grandfather, Grandmother and Dad.
Just less than a year ago in this same place I quietly asked a question to these family members about leaving my job, going my own way and trying to build a business from scratch... They spoke to me then as they do now...
"We've got your back!" is actually the message conveyed to me by them.
I just loved that. Thanks Again to Everyone "Up There."
Yesterday though, a New message came. One that I've never realized before...
This whole Weird, Different, Unique way that I see and am now persuing life and my goals is actually in my DNA. This is proven in the camera-phone pics below.

Take a look at this picture. In the foreground, the small stone is my Dad's, the next is his parents'.
Just yesterday it occured to me that all the other stones in the area are factory-made, polished and purchased and pretty.
Ours? Nope.
Natural limestones gathered from the family farmstead and built by a Nichols hand. No perfectly straight edges, no shiny finish. This is the Nichols way... Our Way and it is manifested in family honoring family...
I was blown away by this simple realization.
Honestly, there have been times in life that I have been very uncomfortable with feeling like an outsider, or weird or not part of the normal crowd.
Now that my weirdness has led me down a path to debt-freedom, entreprenuership & passion for helping others, I couldn't be happier about all of it.
Funny how God works. He's given us all the tools we need, to be the person we came here to be. Sometimes they lay unseen right in front of our faces for years at a time.
Are we ready to open our eyes?
Because you are reading this, because you are one of the 25. I believe you are. Only weirdos would tune in every week to this silly blog.
Thanks to You too for "Havin' my Back!" I trust you'll be here next week for more!
Aaron Nichols
True North Financial Fitness Coaching
Got a leaky Wallet? Bulging budget or none at all? Dilapidated Debt that you're sick of living with? You are losing hard earned dollars every month! Let me show you how to spackle the cracks and firm up your financial foundation. DIY or using my professional services, either way, the best time to fix your finances is Now!
Go Team Weird! ;)
ReplyDeleteGot your back,
Trudy, I am truly Honored to hear from you. I love the fact that this small world has kept ol' friends in touch and still learning and supporting each other. YOU ROCK GIRL!!
ReplyDeleteYou will see the Spring 2011 upgrade hopefully by 1 April. Still the same theme. I picked up some rocks in Colorado last summer from where Steve and I hunted and Steve and his boys backpacked. Nancy has already provided the granite marker with same font and size as Joel's. We will need a work morning to redo the slab and then I will set the stones and such. Labor of love.............
ReplyDeleteStan - Thank you so much for your effort in creating such a wonderful monument to our family. I look forward to helping you with the next step in that process. Love Ya!